Steph & Tom ❤️

Our wedding will be in two parts, with an intimate ceremony in Scotland and an Australian reception with our wider family and friends.

Scottish Wedding Details

Our wedding will be held at Wedderlie House in Scotland.

Wishing well

  1. If you're considering a wedding gift, we would ask instead for a contribution towards the accommodation costs of £90/$150 per person.
  2. UK
    Thomas Bruining
    Sort: 60-83-71
    Acct: 6980 4105
  3. Australia
    Stephanie Craw & Thomas Bruining
    BSB: 182-182
    Acct: 022012843

Important Dates

  1. Company
    Scottish Ceremony
    Wedderlie House
  2. Company
    Australian Reception
    Core Cider, Perth, Western Australia